Grafana roles. Jun 27, 2022 · New in Grafana 9: Role-based access control (RBAC) is now GA. With RBAC, you can configure access and change permissions assigned to built-in roles Canvas. The following example adds the grafana Helm repository. This could be notifications about dashboard changes, new frames for rendered data, and so on. In the first two cases, you’re creating new annotations, while in the last you’re querying existing annotations from data sources. description: 'Create, read, write users' # <int> version of the role, Grafana will update the role when increased. The default Grafana database is SQLite, which stores its data in a single file on disk. Optionally select Add to grant the Grafana administrator role to more members. It was introduced as a beta feature in Grafana 8. Choice of tech. Usecases Solved: Authenticate Grafana using Keycloak. The Grafana Viewer role provides read-only access to dashboards in the instance. These policies control what actions users and roles can perform, on which resources, and under what conditions. Learn more about access control audit logs. It helps you iterate until you have a working query and then think about building a dashboard. Back up the Grafana database. For instructions on how to add a data source to Grafana, refer to the administration documentation . To learn more about drag and drop functionality, refer to For more information, refer to Azure documentation for role assignments. The Alertmanager uses labels to match alerts for silences and alert groups in notification policies. This is useful if you want to run alerts on aggregated data or if you have dashboards that Below we detail the configuration options for auth proxy. Refer to Generic OAuth authentication for extra configuration options available for this provider. A user logs in to Grafana using their Google account and their organization role is not set based on their role in Google. Where: docker run is a Docker CLI command that runs a new container from an image. 2 (Docker image 14bdea0920487c9b11b77cf48c90a7cd8868311d51f88ad54f4517cebe39f8a8) Configure Alerting. The API can be used to create, update, delete, get, and list roles. To check which basic or fixed roles have the required permissions, refer to RBAC role definitions. In the left-side menu, click Dashboards. For example, “Grafana Editor”. You can disable authentication by enabling anonymous access. Go to Metrics for your resource. It’s fully compatible with the most popular open source observability standards such as OpenTelemetry (OTel) and Prometheus. grafana_role -> grafana_role. There is also options for allowing self sign up. Click the Permissions tab, and then click Add a permission. 5 with the security patch: Amazon Managed Grafana uses the service-linked role named AmazonManagedGrafana – Amazon Managed Grafana uses this role to create and configure resources, such as ENIs or Secrets Manager secrets, within customer accounts. Live features can help eliminate a page reload or polling in many places, it can stream The Agent configuration in this playbook send metrics and logs from the linux hosts to Grafana Cloud along with the hostname of each instance. Grafana of course has a built in user authentication system with password authentication enabled by default. Mar 27, 2024 · Grafana. Missing dashboard, folder or data source permissions. But Grafana Administrators can modify the role from the UI. March 24, 2022. Oct 23, 2023 · Select one or several Managed Grafana instances. It provides you with tools to turn your time-series database (TSDB) data into insightful graphs and visualizations. For more information about how to use Managed Grafana with Azure Monitor, go to Monitor your Azure services in Grafana. Slow-loading pages, errors, and other performance issues can lead to lower engagement and conversion rates, ultimately hurting a business’s bottom line. 3 - Running as POD in mickrok8s cluster What are you trying to achieve? Want to login to Grafana dashboard with keycloak authentication, which is working fine. Read more about Grafana Enterprise. header_name = X-WEBAUTH-USER # HTTP Header property, defaults to `username` but can also be `email`. This empowers you to design custom visualizations and overlay data in ways that aren’t possible with standard Grafana panels Templating labels and annotations. Supports identity-based policies. Permissions determine the tasks a user can perform in the system. To set up the Grafana Helm repository so that you download the correct Grafana Helm charts on your machine, complete the following steps: To add the Grafana repository, use the following command syntax: helm repo add <DESIRED-NAME> <HELM-REPO-URL>. In the Add Permission For dropdown menu, select User, Service Account, Team, or Role. You can use a service principal for authentication, using a client ID To grant dashboard folder permissions: Sign in to Grafana as an organization administrator. 3. This option grants you the Grafana administrator role, and lets you manage access rights. The result of the evaluation should be a valid Grafana role (Viewer, Editor, Admin or GrafanaAdmin). The following example includes the base64 username:password Basic Authorization. Available in Grafana Enterprise and Grafana Cloud. For more information on user role mapping, refer to Jan 16, 2024 · Grafana Datasource Setup. Apr 1, 2019 · With 6. You can also configure your own evaluation interval, if required. enabled = true # HTTP Header name that will contain the username or email. In Grafana, queries play a vital role in fetching and transforming data from supported data sources, which include databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, time series databases like Prometheus, InfluxDB and Graphite, and services like Elasticsearch, AWS CloudWatch, Azure Monitor and Google Cloud Monitoring. Find GCP Metrics and click its tile to open the integration. For managing resources related to data source-managed alerts including Recording Rules, you can use Mimir tool and Cortex tool respectively. You don’t have any groups, roles claim in the userinfo, but you are using them in role attribute path. PostgreSQL data source. If no role is found, the expression will be evaluated using the user information obtained from the UserInfo endpoint. Grafana Operator Setup The Grafana Just pass on what you learned. See the links above for the support policies for each project. Consider including your name or initials in the dashboard name or as a tag so that people know who owns the dashboard. Note As of Grafana v9. Open Select members and select your Azure Managed Grafana resource. They allow you to create alerts that can act on data from any of our supported data sources. 0 release a year ago, and we’re now excited to promote it to general availability status. user_ids - (Optional) The AWS SSO user ids to be assigned the role given Nov 17, 2023 · Azure Managed Grafana is a data visualization platform built on top of the Grafana software by Grafana Labs. . Grafana-managed rules are the most flexible alert rule type. Default table panel creation. The alerting UI shows labels for every alert Visualizations. d script using --config file parameter. Azure Managed Grafana currently doesn't support the Grafana Role Based Access Control (RBAC) feature and the RBAC API Install GCP Metrics integration for Grafana Cloud. Expand the specific policy you want to update. To adjust permissions, perform the following steps: Run the following commands to set the appropriate permissions and groups for the files: bash. Work location. Grafana Enterprise and Cloud Pro and Advanced users can now provision access to data sources for Grafana’s Viewer, Editor, and Admin basic roles, as well as assign Edit permission. divyankgupta December 23, 2021, 5:21pm 1. Grafana provides a query editor for the Prometheus data source to create queries in PromQL. The following will help you get started working with Elasticsearch and Grafana: How to configure Grafana OnCall. This is somehow okay for me, since the grafanaadmin role is realm-wide unique due to its name. A recording rule allows you to pre-compute frequently needed or computationally expensive expressions and save their result as a new set of time series. Assign Grafana Roles (Admin/Editor/Viewer) to Users using Keycloak Roles when they authenticate using Keycloak Jul 24, 2023 · April 29, 2022. You can also hide login form and only allow login through an auth provider (listed above). When deploying the Agent across multiple instances for monitoring them, It is Grafana Agent is a flexible, high performance, vendor-neutral telemetry collector. Hi, I see that there are currently 3 roles (Admin, viewer & Editor) in Grafana. 0. In m mind, it make sense to administrate users/groups, theier roles and other properties like grafana organization memberships complete within the azure ad. You can use templates to include data from queries and expressions in labels and annotations. If you fancy a change of scene, we’ll also reimburse you up to $175 a month for a personal co-working space. The default evaluation interval is set at 10 seconds, which means that Grafana-managed alert rules are evaluated every 10 seconds to the closest 10-second window on the clock, for example, 10:00:00, 10:00:10, 10:00:20, and so on. Release notes Here you can find detailed release notes that list everything included in past releases, as well as notices about deprecations, breaking changes, and changes related to plugin development. In your Cloud Portal Admin configuration, modify [okta. Jan 25, 2024 · To assign the Monitoring Data Reader role: Open the Azure Monitor workspace that holds Prometheus data. If you are unsure which visualization to pick, Grafana can provide visualization suggestions based on the panel query. Nov 22, 2023 · Since we introduced role-based access control (RBAC) in Grafana 9. azuread] supports multiple organizations directly defined within the Azure AD such as handling the roles viewer|editor|admin insite the app. As of Grafana version 10. 2 we no longer publish release notes, which are redundant with other release lists that we publish: For details about new features, deprecations, and breaking changes in Without read access, the HTTPS server fails to start properly. see this PR:23661 for completely supporting of organisations <-> role mapping. You can create many types of queries to visualize logs or metrics stored in Elasticsearch, and annotate graphs with log events stored in Elasticsearch. You choose how Grafana calculates the reduction. An IAM administrator can view, but not edit the permissions for service-linked roles. For details, refer to Configuring using Managed To configure basic settings for the data source, complete the following steps: Click Connections in the left-side menu. Oct 27, 2023 · The box Add role assignment to this identity with 'Monitoring Reader' role on target subscription is checked by default. This includes the Admin API, the User API and the Admin Organizations API. Click Save policy to save your changes. We have also added documentation on provisioning RBAC roles and role assignments to guide our Grafana Enterprise and Cloud Pro and Advanced users through this process. Get status GET /api/access-control/status Returns an indicator to check if role-based access Labels in Grafana Alerting. Each user is associated with a role that includes permissions. Prometheus is an open source monitoring system for which Grafana provides out-of-the-box support. No, there is no support for full RBAC and custom roles. Role-based access control (RBAC) updates* Nominated by: Alexander Zobnin, Senior Software Engineer Introduced: Grafana 8. Elasticsearch data source. In addition to supporting multiple data sources, you can also add expressions to transform your data and set alert conditions. That’s where Real User Monitoring (RUM) comes in. Note: Evaluation groups and alerts grouping in Use a custom Grafana Yum repo template example: Put your template next to your playbook under templates folder. Get started with Grafana and InfluxDB. Jan 24, 2018 · Currently it is not possible to assign a user to an organisation through OAuth login. Select Next, then Review + assign to confirm the assignment of the new permission. With your IAM Role created let's set up CloudWatch as a data connection in Grafana, Instead of using the user interface, Grafana allows you to define and configure data The following arguments are required: role - (Required) The grafana role. To add a role to a user, select the user from the Directory, and click Profile -> Edit. Static mode Kubernetes operator: The Grafana Open Source. Grafana can synchronize basic roles from your authentication provider by mapping attributes from the identity provider to the user role in Grafana. When a Grafana version becomes unsupported, Grafana Labs might also drop support for that database version. Real User Monitoring (RUM) is a crucial aspect of modern web application development, allowing For example, user. The following arguments are optional: group_ids - (Optional) The AWS SSO group ids to be assigned the role given in role. Authentication. how to notify. Grafana LDAP Authentication Guide. Aug 10, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? I use CentOs 7 + docker and Grafana v10. Delete this instance and create another one with a different name. If this Grafana supports the versions of these databases that are officially supported by the project at the time a version of Grafana is released. Feb 22, 2024 · And apparently this is also not working when the grafana roles are set up as client roles, maybe because i got confused with all the escaping, since my client names contains dots, because they are the FQDN of the client. Jun 7, 2023 · Hello, I am currently working on setting up OAuth in Grafana (version 9. 0. To understand the new vulnerability we discovered, this section explains the two key Grafana components: organization roles and dashboard snapshots. To develop, Grafana does not seem to correctly map the roles defined in Keycloak. version: 2 # <int> org id. Set up the Grafana Helm repository. Elasticsearch is a search and analytics engine used for a variety of use cases. com email address and include a matching reply-to address. This topic walks you through the steps to create a series of dashboards in Grafana to display system metrics for a server monitored by Prometheus. Select the Monitoring Data Reader role, then Next. Grafana open source is open source visualization and analytics software. For general documentation on querying data sources in Grafana, see Query and transform data. All permission and role updates, and role assignments are added to audit logs. Click Select to confirm. Canvases combine the power of Grafana with the flexibility of custom elements. Only users with the organization administrator role can add data sources. The complete set of labels for an alert is what uniquely identifies an alert within Grafana alerts. 5. 0, drag and drop supports the following scenarios: Drag and drop files into the panel editor. grafana_conf_file: the file that will contain Grafana 's configuration. grafana_admin_password: password for the Grafana administrator account. With managed identity disabled. Dashboard and folder permissions and data source permissions can go out of sync if a Grafana instance version is upgraded, downgraded and then upgraded again. With its extensive support for data sources and graphing Aug 19, 2020 · Thanks! jangaraj September 3, 2020, 12:07pm 2. Using Grafana Alerting, you create queries and expressions from multiple data sources — no matter where your data is stored — giving you the flexibility to combine your data and alert on your metrics and logs in new and unique ways. Azure Managed Grafana can also access data sources with managed identity disabled. Recording rules. For options and functions common to all query editors, see Query editors. For example, “Editor”. The AmazonManagedGrafana service-linked role trusts the following services to assume the role: The AmazonManagedGrafana Best practices to follow. It is optimized for fast, high-availability storage and retrieval of time series data in fields such as operations monitoring, application metrics, IoT sensor data, and real-time analytics. Assign a role assignment using the az role assignment create command. Set the Allowed member types to Users/Groups. With Grafana Live, you can push event data to a frontend as soon as an event occurs. You may have to set the root_url option of [server] for the Dec 6, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 10. If you are creating a dashboard to play or experiment, then put the word TEST or TMP in the name. Select an option from your new attribute and click Save. Choose a Display name for the role. Go to Access control (IAM) > Add > Add role assignment. bash. If you host Grafana in Azure, such as in App Service or Azure Virtual Machines, you can configure the Azure Monitor data source to use Managed Identity for secure authentication without entering credentials into Grafana. Hover your mouse cursor over a folder and click Go to folder. Grafana offers a variety of visualizations to support different use cases. You can give this right to more members by selecting Add. Using images in alert notifications is also supported. Grafana uses a third-party LDAP library under the hood that supports basic LDAP v3 functionality. This role creation is performed through an Explore Grafana’s dashboard UI is all about building dashboards for visualization. 3 (eb8dd72637) What are you trying to achieve? I try to achieve correct LDAP work&amp;test and roles mapping. If you have server administrator permissions in Grafana, you can manage all users for a Grafana instance in the Server Admin section: Assign or remove Grafana server administrator Service-linked role – A service-linked role is a type of service role that is linked to an AWS service. Grafana is an open-source data visualization and monitoring tool that allows users to pull data from various sources to observe and understand complex datasets. Using the HTTP API. $ sudo chmod -R g+rx /etc/letsencrypt/*. Developers Go to the Grafana developer portal to access the following documentation: Grafana plugin development Grafana design system Grafana Scenes Grafana data plane This section of our documentation contains additional resources: HTTP API Contribute to Grafana Contributor License Agreement (CLA) Angular support deprecation You might also find the following resources to be helpful: Grafana You can annotate visualizations in three ways: Directly in the panel, using the built-in annotations query. 1 Like. Get started with Grafana and Prometheus. Refer to the Grafana Ansible documentation to understand the other variables you can pass to the grafana_agent role. Grafana doesn't show all the Teams created and is not possible to add users to some of them. Role-based access control (RBAC), previously referred to as fine-grained access control (FGAC), is Grafana’s new authorization system. Jul 29, 2023 · When you first log in via SSO, Grafana creates a new user account with the data from Authelia. Apr 9, 2020 · I would highly appreciate it, if [auth. Grafana Agent is available in three different variants: Static mode: The original Grafana Agent. Grafana and Prometheus: Download Prometheus and node_exporter. Identity-based policies for Amazon Managed Grafana. On the Dashboards tab, Import the Grafana metrics dashboard. Keycloak OAuth2 authentication allows users to log in to Grafana using their Keycloak credentials. $ sudo chgrp -R grafana /etc/letsencrypt/*. The box Include myself under Grafana administrator role is checked. And we can successfully map groups using the ‘role_attribute_path’ feature which has pretty good documentation explaining the JMESPath mappings. Apr 15, 2024 · The Grafana Admin role provides full control of the instance including managing role assignments, viewing, editing, and configuring data sources. Refer to Role-based access control in Grafana Enterprise to understand how you can control access with role-based permissions Configure Grafana authentication. Vast majority of our roles are fully remote, focused on hiring the best talent and allowing you to perform from the comfort of your home. The data from dragged and dropped files is stored in the dashboard JSON and file size is limited to 1MB. Defaults to Grafana's default if not specified. This section of the documentation highlights the built-in visualizations, their options and typical usage. For more information about PromQL, see Querying Prometheus. Dec 23, 2021 · Grafana Configuration. For Assign access to, select Managed identity. 4. This guide explains how to set up Keycloak as an authentication provider in Grafana. The workaround is to manually create organisations and assign users to multiple organisation with roles (Admin, Editor, Viewer). Configure data source-managed alert rules. Apr 30, 2019 · Create custom roles. In this mode, Amazon Managed Grafana creates all the IAM roles that are necessary to access AWS resources in other accounts in your AWS organization. While I’ve managed to get the OAuth connection functioning correctly, I am encountering an issue with role mappings that I’m hoping someone might be able to assist with. g. For more information on supported data Grafana will first evaluate the expression using the Okta OIDC ID token. workspace_id - (Required) The workspace id. SQLite. Select the Prometheus data source. RBAC API Role-based access control API is only available in Grafana Cloud or Grafana Enterprise. This collection includes the following roles to help set up and manage Grafana, Grafana Agent, and OpenTelemetry Collector: Grafana: Installs and configures Grafana on your target hosts. It's built as a fully managed Azure service operated and supported by Microsoft. 4 with the security patch: Release 10. 0 What it does: From the beginning, Grafana had a few built-in roles (Viewer, Editor, Admin), each with a predefined set of permissions. Explore strips away the dashboard and panel options so that you can focus on the query. We recommend that you back up your Grafana database so that you can roll back to a previous version, if required. For example, you might want to set the severity label for an alert based on the value of the query, or use the instance label from the query in a summary annotation so you know which server is experiencing high CPU Role Variables. auth , grafana-roles , grafana-ui. docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name=grafana grafana/grafana-enterprise. And is the one used by our Grafana Terraform provider. grafana_admin_user: user name for the Grafana administrator account. 802. This panel can show one or more bar gauges depending on how many series, rows, or columns your query returns. To run the latest stable version of Grafana, run the following command: bash. InfluxDB is an open-source time series database (TSDB) developed by InfluxData. orgId: 1 # <list> list of the permissions granted by this role. It allows you to query, visualize, alert on, and explore your metrics, logs, and traces no matter where they are stored. The roles sent from For more information, refer to Linux post-installation steps for Docker Engine. Should you apply for a position at Grafana Labs, or if you’re directly contacted by one of our recruiters, the initial step in our recruitment process is a scheduled call either with our recruiting team or a hiring manager. Enter Google Cloud Monitoring in the search bar. In Grafana, hover your mouse over the Configuration (gear) icon on the left sidebar and then click Data Sources. Canvases are extensible form-built visualizations that allow you to explicitly place elements within static and dynamic layouts. This section includes instructions for how to view permissions associated with roles, create custom roles, and update and delete roles. Configure alert rules. 0, users — and later, service accounts — have been required to have an assigned role that includes a basic set of permissions. You can then create, manage, and take action on your alerts from a single, consolidated view, and improve Bar gauges simplify your data by reducing every field to a single value. Yes. Configure recording rules. Click Notification policies. This means that users with specific attributes, like role, team, or group membership in LDAP, OAuth, or SAML, will be automatically assigned the corresponding role in Grafana. For more information on user role mapping Feb 21, 2024 · Under Grafana administrator role, the box Include myself is checked by default. Ensure that the Value field matches the Grafana role name. Hi, I am facing issue while configuring OAuth tool (Keycloak) for authorisation to Grafana. Click + Add nested policy, then add the details using information in Add new specific policy. 0, latest release with the security patch: Release 10. Replace files in the panel editor. 2. Give it a try using Grafana Play. Review the prerequisites in the Configuration Details tab and set up Grafana Agent to send GCP Metrics metrics to your Grafana Cloud instance. When creating a new dashboard, make sure it has a meaningful name. Refer to Role-based access control to understand how you can control access with role-based permissions. [auth. This topic explains why labels are a fundamental component of alerting. Organization Roles Apr 12, 2024 · Assign you a Grafana Admin role for this new Managed Grafana instance; If status message mentions a conflict, then someone may have created another an instance with the same name at the same time, or the name check failed earlier, leading to a conflict later on. Jan 31, 2024 · The Grafana Server Admin role isn't available to customers. . The Settings tab of the data source is displayed. Use a different path than the default one, because ansible , when using relative path, use the first template found and look under the role directory at first then the playbook directory. 5 we are able to use GenericOauth and Keycloak to logon/logoff seamlessly. Copy. Server user management A user is defined as any individual who can log in to Grafana. Your new job should appear on the Targets tab. For more information on user role mapping, refer to Configure role mapping. Release 10. Creating and managing folders, data sources, and dashboards using the Grafana Operator Learn how to manage data sources, folders and dashboard, using Grafana Operator. Prerequisites Before you begin, you should have the following available: An existing Grafana Cloud stack. Mar 7, 2024 · The latest version of Grafana and these patch releases contain a fix for CVE-2024-1442, a medium severity security vulnerability with Grafana’s access control system. 2) using Keycloak as the OAuth provider. Users with Admin role can configure Alert rules (Integrations, Routes, etc) to define when and which users to notify; OnCall users with Editor role can work with Alerts Groups and set up personal settings, e. Configuring annotation queries in the dashboard settings. More details on Grafana roles can Manage RBAC roles. Under Your connections, click Data sources. true: true: Skipped synchronization of organization roles from all OAuth providers including Google: A user logs in to Grafana using their Google account and their Add nested policy. Grafana ships with a built-in PostgreSQL data source plugin that allows you to query and visualize data from a PostgreSQL compatible database. grafana_apt_dependencies: packages needed to be able to run this playbook or install Grafana. gokilavani June 30, 2021, 8 In addition to building your panels in Grafana, you can also quickly pin Azure Monitor visualizations from the Azure portal to new or existing Grafana dashboards by adding panels to your Grafana dashboard directly from Azure Monitor. Grafana Agent: Deploys and configures Grafana Agent, allowing for efficient metrics, logs, and trace data shipping to Grafana Cloud or other endpoints. Configure Grafana-managed alert rules. Supported LDAP Servers. Click Google Cloud Monitoring. Create a chart and select Save to dashboard, followed by Pin to Grafana. Any email communications will be sent from a @grafana. Service-linked roles appear in your AWS account and are owned by the service. In your Grafana Cloud stack, click Connections in the left-hand menu. auth, oauth, login. Configure the features and integrations that you need to create and manage your alerts. Grafana helps you bring together metrics, logs and traces into a single user interface. Identity-based policies are JSON permissions policy documents that you can attach to an identity, such as an IAM user, group of users, or role. Expand code. Set the data source’s basic configuration options: Grafana Live is a real-time messaging engine introduced in Grafana v8. Grafana Operator Installed in your Cluster, as shown in Grafana Operator Installation. The Grafana Editor role provides read-write access to the dashboards in the instance. Configure used OIDC client in the Keycloak: configure proper group/role mappers or create scope for them and expose their outputs in the userinfo response. Note: If your role is Editor, you can skip to Learn about the Alert Workflow. auth] with the new configuration option role_attribute_path = <YOUR_ROLE_VARIABLE>. permissions: # <string, required> action allowed. Valid values can be found here. role_attribute_strict: No: Set to true to deny user login if the Grafana role cannot be extracted using role_attribute_path. Is it possible for an Admin to create custom roles and assign Teams/users the newly created custom roles. In the left-side menu, click Alerts & IRM and then Alerting. In each account in the Organizational Units that you select, Amazon Managed Grafana creates a role called AmazonGrafanaOrgMemberRole-random-id. static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:3000'] Restart Prometheus. Recording rules are only available for compatible Prometheus or Loki data sources. But icons like Explore, Server Admin, Configuration, Server Admin etc is missing in the Grafana UI. Aug 10, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana 10. Jul 14, 2023 · 4. What roles should I add in keycloak to get “Full admin Mar 19, 2024 · In today’s fast-paced digital world, users expect fast and reliable web experiences. registration. Define a role corresponding to each Grafana role: Viewer, Editor, and Admin. We’ll assign admin permissions to this new user by signing back in as user admin, navigating to Administration > Users, and setting Grafana Admin to yes. The new user’s Grafana organization role is synchronized from lldap’s group membership. However, we are unable to map org_id at this point which is problematic and blocking us transitioning from LDAP auth. Grafana - Keycloak Authorization using role. proxy] # Defaults to false, but set to true to enable this feature. The service can assume the role to perform an action on your behalf. Grafana. This sometimes led organizations to create users and service accounts that had more permissions than necessary. This Prometheus query editor. Role Sync. Click App roles and then Create app role. Some Data plane APIs require Grafana Server Admin permissions and can't be called by users. This path is specified in the Grafana init. With Grafana Play, you can explore and see how it works, learning from practical The Alerting provisioning API can be used to create, modify, and delete resources relevant to Grafana Managed alerts. nh sr bj pl ap bw nd jx ik un